
Showing posts from November, 2018

Chapter 9: Developing A Sexual Identity Orientation

"Sexual orientation is an ongoing negotiation between internal and external forces in one's life," (Nakkula 195).  Throughout the semester we have looked at many different identities and struggles that an adolescent goes through, however, I think that sexual identity is often the one we forget to talk about with our students.  Nakkula talks about how, as educators, it is important for us to understand and be aware of the multiple themes and scripts that come with the study of sexual identity. Starting with scripting theory, there are 3 different levels of experience: intrapsychic, interpersonal and cultural.  As educators, we need to not be able 'name' the scripts but have a general understanding of them and a knowledge of where the scripts are being developed.  For example, are they being developed through friends, religion, family, media etc.  Knowing the roots is important so that we are making informed decisions in how we communicate with our stu...